Disability-Related Policy
The United States Congress and the North Dakota Legislature have the power to impact people with disabilities and their families. Appropriations bills determine how much money is allocated to services for individuals with disabilities and other bills address various areas of interest including health care, education, and long-term care and support services.
Legislators (state and federal senators and representatives) make decisions on how to vote based on information provided to them by their electors (citizens of North Dakota). It is vital that individuals with disabilities, family members, and advocates are engaged in the legislative process. P&A encourages people with lived experience to participate in the legislative process by staying informed, expressing viewpoints to legislators, and submitting testimony.
Disability-Related Legislation in North Dakota
North Dakota’s Legislative Assembly meets for 80 days in odd-numbered years. P&A tracks and monitors disability-related legislation during each legislative session. For more information on disability-related legislation in North Dakota view P&A’s 2023 Bill Grid. The 69th Legislative Assembly convenes on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
Legislative Working Groups
Who is involved with Legislative Working Groups?
Legislative Working Groups are "the pipeline" for people with disabilities, family members, and advocates to network and receive information about disabilities-related legislation. Legislative Working Groups are not "owned" by any one group but are supported by many individuals and organizations that care about people with disabilities.
What’s the purpose of Legislative Working Groups?
The goal of Legislative Working Groups is to educate people with disabilities, family members, and advocates about the legislative process and disability-related legislation.
Do Legislative Working Groups meet virtually or in-person?
Legislative Working Groups are hosted virtually and in-person each week during the legislative session and as needed during the interim. See upcoming events.
How can I get involved?
Sign-up for P&A News & Updates.
State Resources
Legislative Branch Information Center
Provides information on how a bill becomes a law, how to contact legislative entities, how to testify before a legislative committee, and lobbyist registration.
Legislative Bill Tracking System
A web application for tracking bills through North Dakota’s legislative process.
Federal Resources
Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities
This coalition of national consumer, advocacy, provider, and professional organizations works together to advocate for federal public policy that ensures the self-determination, independence, empowerment, integration, and inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in all aspects of society.
Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School
The Legal Information Institute (LII) believes everyone should be able to read and understand the laws that govern them, without cost. LII publishes law online, creates materials that help people understand law, and makes it easier for people to find the law with the use of technology.
This U.S. government website provides an outline of how federal laws are made, information on federal laws, how to request government files, and more.
Congress.gov is the official website for U.S. federal legislative information. The site provides access to accurate, timely, and complete legislative information for bills, resolutions, congressional activity and records, schedules, committee information, and more.