
North Dakota Protection & Advocacy Project (P&A) has a big job to do with limited funds and staff. To make the most of available resources, P&A selects focus areas to guide the administration of services to individuals with disabilities who fit into specific federal program eligibility guidelines.


With input from people with disabilities, family members, and the public P&A chooses focus areas that include a variety of important disability-related issues. Nearly all P&A services provided will be within these focus areas. P&A completes federal reports that detail progress and achievements made on each program’s focus areas; these reports are available upon request. 


P&A may accept cases outside of focus areas if the presenting issue is egregious and all other criteria have been met. Limited resources are available for cases outside of focus areas. 


Eligible individuals will be free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

  1. Investigate, or cause to investigate, suspected abuse, neglect, and exploitation of eligible individuals. (DD, MH, PAIR, TBI)
  2. May conduct monitoring of service providers to ensure compliance with mandatory reporting and ensure quality services for eligible individuals. (DD, MH, PAIR, TBI)
  3. Conduct reviews of individuals and organizations regarding Representative Payee services for eligible individuals. (RP)
  4. Provide education, engage in collaboration with partners, and strive for systems change to address abuse, neglect, and exploitation of eligible individuals. (DD, MH, PAIR, TBI, RP)

Eligible individuals will receive treatment, services, and supports to meaningfully contribute and participate in the communities where they live, learn, work, and play.

  1. Inclusion – Advocate for eligible individuals to access services and support to promote community living. (DD, MH, TBI)
  2. Education – Advocate for educational rights for eligible individuals in the areas of least restrictive environment, positive behavioral supports, elimination of seclusion and restraints, use of shortened school days, suspensions or expulsions, and denial of 504 disability-related accommodations that risk health and safety. (DD, MH, PAIR, TBI)
  3. Employment – Address barriers to employment by advocating for reasonable accommodations, transition services and plans, employment discrimination, and dissatisfaction with or denial of employment-related services, assistance with the applications process or other assistance related to the client assistance program, vocational rehabilitation or centers for independent living. (PABSS, CAP)
  4. Assistive Technology – Address inappropriate denials or access to disability-related assistive technology supports in community, educational, and employment settings. (AT)
  5. Voting – Through education, collaboration, and awareness activities P&A will ensure that eligible individuals have full access to the electoral process. (PAVA)
  6. Provide education, engage in collaboration with partners, and strive for systems change to promote community inclusion in all aspect of life. (DD, MH, PAIR, TBI, AT, PABSS, CAP, PAVA, PHWF)

The disability/mental health related rights of eligible individuals will be protected and enforced.

  1. Represent eligible individuals at forced medication hearings within the prison system. (MH)
  2. Advocate for eligible individuals involved in the justice system due to mental health or disability to ensure appropriate mental health/disability related treatment and supports. (MH, TBI)
  3. Provide education, collaborate with partners, and strive for systems change to ensure the justice system appropriately recognizes disability/mental health-related rights. (DD, MH, PAIR, TBI)

Focus areas are selected for each federal program. Services are provided to individuals with disabilities that meet federal program eligibility guidelines and whose problem or concern falls within P&A's focus areas.

DD = Protection & Advocacy for Developmental Disabilities

MH = Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness

PAIR = Protection & Advocacy for Individual Rights

TBI = Protection & Advocacy for Traumatic Brain Injury

AT = Protection & Advocacy for Assistive Technology

PAVA = Protection & Advocacy for Voting Access

PABSS = Protection & Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security

CAP = Client Assistance Program

RP = Protection & Advocacy for Beneficiaries with Representative Payees
